You may wonder if football players’ insurance exists. Well, it does.
This article will explain all key details relating to football players’ insurance.
Before going further, let’s explain what insurance means as it relates to footballers.
Meaning of Football Players Insurance
Insurance as it relates to footballers simply means a guarantee of compensation for any footballer’s loss, damage, injury, or even death in exchange for payment of a specified premium.
Types of Football Players Insurance
Although Insurance is quite broad, we’ll highlight just the most important types of insurance available to players.
1. Insurance Against 3rd-Party Injury
This type of insurance covers players when they injure another player.
Typically, a football player could be liable to pay an enormous sum of money when he injures another player.
Even if it’s unintentional, an injured player could take legal action against the one who caused the injury.
So in order to protect a player from being liable for someone else’s injury, an insurance that covers the 3rd-party is very important.
Some insurance companies cover up to $800k to $1M, while others are a bit more or less.
2. Insurance Against Personal Injury
It is almost inevitable to avoid injury as a football player.
Thanks to insurance, players can be protected even when they are injured by other players.
Players do not have to pay for medical bills or surgeries while they are injured.
Some insurance companies even offer broader compensations depending on the plan.
3. Insurance Compensation For Equipment Repairs or Damage
Today, any of a player’s apparel could go missing or damaged at any time.
Instead of paying for the repair or replacement of such apparel, the Insurance company does that on behalf of the player.
Apparels like goalkeeper gloves, boots, shins or any of the complete football apparels, could be subject to this type of insurance plan.
To what extent the repair or replacement would take place and how often depends on the specific plan or bundle for this insurance policy.
Who’s Responsible For Football Players Insurance? Players Themselves or Club?
It is not far-fetched to think that players buy insurance themselves. However, it is the primary responsibility of the Club (or country) to provide insurance for their players.
The insurance plans players buy for themselves are those not covered by the Club (or Country’s FA) insurance.
How Much Does A Football Player Insurance Cost?
The cost of insurance of a player varies depending on the region, cover type or plan and the Insurance company involved.
Averagely, though, a basic insurance plan for a professional football player should be within the range of $500 to $20,000 annually.
However, the cost runs in millions for some top football stars.
What’s The Most Expensive Football Insurance In The World?
Lionel Messi’s leg insurance worth about €750 Million is the most expensive football insurance ever, as reported by AbbeyAutoLine.
Top Football Players Insurance Companies
Of course, there are many insurance companies that cater to players. Find below some of the commonest football players insurance companies:
SN | Insurance Company | Country or Region Cover |
1 | US Club | USA |
2 | CoverWallet | USA |
3 | USASA | USA |
4 | Insure4Sports | UK |
5 | SportsInsurance4U | UK |
6 | SportsCover Direct | UK |
7 | BluefinSport | UK |
8 | AJG | UK |
9 | Lifebroker | Australia |
10 | CaserExpatInsurance | Spain |
11 | AssurMix | France |
12 | Expatica | Europe |
13 | HDI | Global |
14 | Marsh | Global |
15 | AXAXL | Global |
Semi Pro Football Players Insurance
Semi Pro football players’ insurance is not typically the same as the standard professional football players’ insurance.
Although the semi pro football players’ insurance is comparatively lower in cost, it tends to be more extensive.
For example, a semi-pro football player’s insurance would cover a player’s wage if, in the event that the club, for any reason, cannot afford to pay the player’s salary anymore.
Or, in the event that a semi pro player cannot go to work (side job apart from football) because of their injury, an insurance plan could cover the player’s wage for a specified period of time.
There are many deeper scenarios like this for semi pro footballers insurance as it’s not the case with professional players.
Also, it is important to mention that most insurance companies have separate plans for semi pro and amateur players.
So, to answer the big question; do football players have insurance? Yes, absolutely and it protects them from;
- Personal Injury
- 3rd Party-injury
- Equipment repair or replacements;
- And many more…
Typically, football clubs (or nation’s FA) have the primary responsibility to provide players (whether injury-prone or not) with insurance.
However, it does not stop players from buying insurance for themselves.
Further Reading: